Lõpeb Mar 31, 2016 23:59
Jaga projekti

TSCompany - Marine innovations

Taasluues ülemaailmset väikelaevade lisavarustuse tööstust Eestis.

7 320 € (21%)

rahastatud 34 770 - 94 976 € eesmärgist

Pakkumisel 6,07 % kuni 15,00 % ettevõttest
183 € min investeering


TSC Marine Innovations

TSC Marine Innovations ei ole start-up, tegemist on töötava organisatsiooniga. Me oleme investeerinud 170 000€, sellega oleme kindlustanud, et meil on tooted, patendid, kaubamärgid ja edasimüüjate võrgustik. Meie põhitoode Snubber ONE on meile tuntust toonud ja  selle tootega oleme jõudnud edasimüüjate ja agentideni, aga sarnaselt uute leiutistega me peame saama nähtavust ja jõudma tarbija teadlikuseni. Me kutsume Teid liituma  TSC Marine Innovation kampaaniaga, teeme ettevõttest Eesti ja globaalse eduloo.

SnubberOne™ tootevideo 2016           

Kaiotste leevendi* (amort) SnubberOne™ on täna pakutavate valikute seas erakordne, tänu oma innovatiivsusele, vastupidavusele ja kasutajasõbralikkusele. Toote leiutas aastakümneid tagasi Soome leiutaja J.F. Serlachius. 

TSCompany võttis tootearenduses kasutusele vastupidavama materjali, disainis moodsama väljanägemise ja kasutajasõbraliku pakendi ning tänaseks oleme müünud tuhandeid eksemplare SnubberOne™, ja seda ilma suuremate turunduskampaaniateta.

Kasutajatelt ainult kiidusõnu saanud toode SnubberOne™, mis suunatud aina kasvavale väikelaevade lisavarustuse sektorile müügiprognoos aastaks 2017 on 100 000 ühikut.

*kaiotsa (köie) leevendi on sisuliselt amort, mida kasutatakse laevade (kaatrite, jahtide, jne.) kaiotstel, kui laev on sildunud ja see kinnitatakse kai külge. Leevendi aitab vähendada tekkivat pinget nii kail olevatele kinnitustele kui laeva kinnitustele, muutes seisuaja turvalisemaks lainetusest ja tuulest tekkivatele pingetele. Leevendid on tehtud juba kohustuslikuks erinevates sadamates üle maailma, st. üle 22 miljoni laeva Euroopas ja USAs peab omama vähemalt kahte leevendit.

Mõned SnubberOne™ müügiargumendid:

  • SnubberOne™ kinnitamiseks ei pea kaiotsal olema vabu/lahtiseid otsi, lihtsalt paigalda SnubberOne™ peale sildumist kaiotsale vabalt valitud asukohal.
  • Tänu hõlpsale paigaldusele on SnubberOne™asukohta kaiotsal võimalik muuta sekunditega.
  • Köie elemendid on kõik käsitsi toodetud.
  • Kõik ühes tükis. Puuduvad liikuvad/lahtised detailid, mis võivad laguneda ja/või kaotsi minna.
  • Väljapaistev disain ja valikus olevad erinevad värvikombinatsioonid aitavad sobituda laeva kerevärvi, purje, köie või kattega.
  • Materjalide kõrge kvaliteet tähendab, et SnubberOne™ ei määri kaiotsi, ei jäta jälgi aluse tekile või polstrile.

Meie täieliku tootevaliku leiate ja SnubberOne™ tootevideo lingilt: SnubberOne™ Product Video 2016 

Fundwise kampaania

Meil on toode, maailmatasemel meeskond ja edasimüüjate võrgustik. Samas sarnaselt enamus uute toodetega, peame jõudma tarbija teadlikkuseni. See tähendab turundust, aga turunduse tegemine vajab raha. Investeeringutest kogutud raha kasutatakse sotsiaalmeedias turundamises, messidel osalemiseks, turundusmaterjalide valmistamiseks ja reisikulude ning üldkulude katmiseks.

Kutsume Teid tutvuma meie tegevusega  25. veebruaril 2016 kell: 14:00

Ühine ja aita sõna levitada. Liitu meiega ja aita TSCompanyst teha rahvusvaheline edulugu – Eesti uhkus.

Täiendavate küsimuste korral võta meiega ühendust või helista +372 508 2818 , et Fundwise kampaania ajal kohtumine kokku leppida.

SnubberOne™ lugu

Snubberi lugu algab 30 aasta tagusest ajast, kui Snubberi looja Jarl Fredrik Serlachius töötas madrusena South American laevakompaniis. Peale koju naasmist, õpinguaastaid ja mõningast töökogemust pani J.F. Serlachius oma idee paberile.

Ideest vormus disain, millele järgnesid toote katsed karmis Põhja-Euroopa kliimas. Tänu laiemale huvile toodete vastu, teostati täiendavalt katseid Euroopas ja Ameerikas. Snubber tooteid testisid ja andsid väga head tagasisidet solo purjetajad, maailmameistrid ja väikelaeva omanikud üle maailma, tänu populaarsusele arendas J.F. Serlachius välja maailma lihtsaima, kiireima ja mitmekülgseima kaiotsa kompensaatori SnubberOne™.

TSCompany Limited OÜ

TSCompany Limited OÜ asutati 2014.aastal, meie eesmärk on luua innovatiivseid tooteid 50 miljardilise € aastakäibega väikelaevade lisavarustuse sektorisse. Tootevaliku eesmärgid: SnubberOne™ valiku turuletoomine, järgmisena laiendame tootevalikut, katmaks enamuse erinevatest väikelaevadest. Oleme juba tootevalikut arendanud ja jooksvalt otsime ning arendame uusi innovatiivseid tooteid, mis ei piirdu vaid väikelaevade sektoriga. Meie soov on luua ja toota uudseid ja turvalisi lahendusi meie valitud tööstussektoris ja miks mitte ka laiemalt. Meie meeskonda kuuluvad pikaajalise kogemusega eksperdid müügis, ettevõtluse arendamise ja turundusalase kogemusega meeskonnaliikmed ettevõtetest nagu Intel, Microsoft, STX ja Aker Yards. 

Probleem ja lahendus

The problem is that in the over 70 years that mooring snubber have been in use, and of the 70% of all boats that use mooring snubbers, all of them have all or part of the following design and life-span flaws:

SnubberOne™ is winner on all fronts. No questions asked.

Senised saavutused

TSCompany produces, designs, manufactures and distributes innovative marine accessories.

Intellectual Property Rights 

As with any invention, Intellectual Property Rights are at the pinnacle of control, ownership and value. TSCompany owns all thes rights to SnubberOne™ and has patents granted or in force in all of its prime target regions, being USA, Europe and Australia.


TSCompany has registered and owns all the rights to its registered trademarks for SnubberOne™, as well as the other products in its range including but not limited to SnubberTwo™, SorbSponge™ and SmartRopes™.


Currently SnubberOne™ and its upcoming little sister SnubberTwo™ are produced in China, but TSCompany is continuously expanding its factory locations and options with a view to return production of its products to Europe. Estonian options are high on the list. One promise we can however make, TSCompany is and will remain a company registered and run out of Tallinn, Estonia.

Quality and testing

SnubberOne™ has been tested rigorously at our test facilities in China, by our distributors and clients as well as by the Tallinn University of Technology  in the Laboratory of Mechanical Testing and Metrology. Rigorous testing and third party verifications, when required, are part of our R&D processes to ensure we only provide the highest possible quality and functionality. 

Sales and Marketing

TSCompany focuses in its core areas and its distribution pipelin spans all of the prime targets and more. Our current partners include: 

Agents – companies and persons with contacts to whole sellers and retailers 
Distributors* – company with its own retailer network and/or a regional reseller network
Retailers* – company owning one or more retail outlet
* including e-commerce solutions

Sales network





United Kingdom:

Find out more here: 

Marketing activities
While TSCompany's marketing activities have still been low-key, that does not mean we have been idle. We have participated at the largest marine accessory trade show two years running, being MetsTrade. Our distributors have showcased SnubberOne™ at their own fairs and exhibitions and the reception has always been flawless.

We have also been staring our work on social media platforms Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, but need your assistance in order to make all of our marketing activities fly! 

Kuidas me eristume

A mooring snubber is not a new concept. The first and most widely proliferated mooring snubber has been on the market for almost 30 years! This unit comes as rope specific, is made of rubber and only comes in black. No true innovations have been made in the sector and no suppliers have come up with a mooring snubber made of different materials, capable of attachment without loose ends or that do not leave streaks of valuable boat decks. The SnubberOne™ does these all. Which is perhaps one reason why various existing competitive manufacturers already inquired about the possibility of acquiring the intellectual property rights to the SnubberOne™.

Other mooring snubbers exist, of which the only one product has the ability to be attached only after securing the boat and without a loose end. While this addresses the concern of attachment only after mooring, it does this by adding a clip to the mooring snubber, which can easily be lost, broken or forgotten when dealing in the marine environment. Losing the clip will render the product useless and is not, as such, real competition for the SnubberOne™.

Other mooring snubbers exist, but all of these require a loose end for attachment, do not come in an array of colors, are not branded and are made of EPDM rubber, meaning they leave streaks on decks and fittings.

Rahakasutus ja ajakava

With a more detailed breakdown in the business plan, the primary uses of funding generated through this fundwise campaign will be for marketing. We have our product, world-class team and distribution channels in place, but as with all inventions, we need to get the word out there. That’s marketing. And marketing requires a budget. The funds raised will be used for social media marketing, trade shows, exhibitions, marketing materials and travel & expendables.

The sales cycle for marine accessories is twelve months, whereby large scale distribution agreement are signed in the last quarter (Q4) of each fiscal year to ensure deliveries at the end of the subsequent (Q1) or early following quarter (Q2). Q2 and Q3 is made up mainly of inventory updates and follow-up orders, again gearing up for the main sales period in Q4 of each fiscal. Upon successful completion of this campaign in Q1, this will allow for robust marketing throughout Q2 and Q3, in order to gain the interest of the users to demand the SnubberOne™ from their stockist during the 2016 season, looking at large orders in Q4/2016.

Please view our Financial Highlights 2016-2020 for further details.

Lubadused investorile, kasumi jaotamine

Our Promise

As already committed to our existing investors, TSCompany is a for-profit company looking to expand rapidly and reach a turnover of 4 million euros during it's 2017 sales cycle. This requires sales of 100.000 units of SnubberOne™'s and with our past track of sales soon to reach 10.000 units, this is well within the realm of opportunity. It's the challenge TSCompany has embarked on and will do everything in its power to achieve.

TSC's objective is long-term growth to build the TSCompany Marine Innovations brand to be the go-to brand when seeking new innovative boating products. The SnubberOne™ sets the threshold high as a high-end, versatile and truly innovative boating product. Our upcoming product portfolio will bolster this with new products added each season. Bubbles do not survive in the harsh marine environment, hence we are geared and planning for a marathon rather than a sprint.

We hope to have active and contributing shareholders and if nothing else, aim to have our shareholders present to us both active and skilled board members. All our employees are shareholders and thus the door is open for our investors to also take active, or even day-to-day positions in our company provided the match is made in other areas as well.

We aim to strike a good balance between our dividends payments and simultaneously retaining sufficient funds to achieve our aggressive growth targets. In any event, we do expect to disperse a minimum of 10% of our profit as dividends annually to ensure our investors’ interest and show benefit of remaining part of the TSCompany ownership structure.

Motivation Packages

All investors will receive quarterly updates in the form of a newsletter or internal memo. The update will provide a high-level overview of the most recent updates, uptake in our regions, list our most important distributors as well as provide insights into pending product launches.

Investors will also be personally invited to any official product launches as well as annual parties arranged by TSCompany on all but a regular basis. But when they happen, we promise they will be worth it!

In addition:

All investments of over 1.000 EUR will receive the opportunity to acquire new TSCompany products prior to their launch to the general public at a 25% discount to be delivered to our shareholders before delivered to any of our distributors or clients.

+ All investments of over 2.500 EUR will receive a 50% discount on up to eight (8) SnubberOne™’s of their choice of color before the European boating season opens in 2016.

+ All investments of over 5.000 EUR will receive four (4) SnubberOne™’s of their choice of color, free of charge, before the European boating season opens in 2016.

Riskid ja maandamine

Due to TSCompany’s seasoned management team risks and thei mitigation have been at the forefront of our development and supply chain structures. We see the main risks listed below, along with the mitigation matters taken to address them set out below:

  • Intellectual Property Rights – Innovations are based on intellectual property rights and TSCompany has taken every step to ensure these are properly secured, monitored and if need be enforced in all of the geographies in which we are present. Not only do we monitor this ourselves but also require the same from each of our employees, distributors, manufacturers and contractors.
  • Competition – Tied in with having a strong and enforceable patent portfolio in our target markets, competitor analysis is taken seriously at TSCompany.  A good patent secures a monopoly position with regards to our innovations, which ensures low levels of competition for the first 20 years. During this time we continue to build our brand so once patent rights lapse, customers will still choose the original SnubberOne™.
  • Supply chain risk – TSCompany has currently outsourced its production to Asia and Europe. Outsourced manufacturing is the only realistic option at this stage but due to rigorous controls, three factories and backup factories ready to be contracted in case of failure of any part of our supply chain ensure supply chain risk is effectively mitigated.
  • Product liability risk – We test our products extensively both during the product development phase as well as at agreed intervals and random checks to ensure our manufacturers work fulfills TSCompany’s values and criteria. With a supremse product and effective quality control, product liability risks are effectively mitigated.
  • Operational risk – With a team of seasoned professionals and an active board, operational risks are mapped out in each phase of development and addressed in order to restrict their materialization. Planning is half the job and communication is key.

Kutsume Teid tutvuma meie tegevusega  25.veebruaril 2016 kell 14:00 meie kontoris (Narva mnt 7, Tallinn).