Raise funding through crowdfunding
Crowdfunding gives your company an opportunity to engage your consumers and fans of your product or service as shareholders. It is also an excellent opportunity to raise funding in case bank loans are not an option. Crowdfunding campaigns help you to launch new products or services, expand your markets or sales, find co-operation partners and of course, investors.
Fundwise suits all type of enterprises: from product design to computer games and software from energy and green technology solutions to sharing economy etc. It is also an excellent accelerator for reaching international markets. Equity crowdfunding is the new approach in raising funds from a larger group of investors than usual, as all individuals, above the age of 18 and legal entities are potential investors. Investing is made as easy and user-friendly as possible. And by the end of the successful campaign investors will get shares of the company they have invested in.
Why crowdfund through Fundwise?
- A good alternative to different loans and risk capital.
- A chance to engage your target groups and fans of your services and products as your investors.
- Access to informed and wealthy investors who can give good advice to promote your business.
- Crowdfunding campaign serve as promotional campaign and is an effective mean for testing the markets.
- Successful crowdfunding round attract follow-on investment.
How it works?
- Write to us about your start-up/company expressing your wish to apply for crowdfunding, info@fundwise.me and we will get in touch with further instructions and info. Also, please take the time to read our terms.
- When we have approved your campaign, you will upload all necessary campaign materials to Fundwise platform: company pitch, introduction of the company, video and information about the campaign, necessary documents (business plan, cash flow prognosis, annual report etc.) and required agreements accompanied by the target funding limit (financial data).
- Organize a shareholders’ meeting and make a decision to increase the share capital during Fundwise campaign for new, potential investors. If necessary, update your Statutes according to Fundwise rules.
- Open an escrow account for the campaign period, in Swedbank. Fundwise provides you with necessary contacts for that.
- In case you do not have it yet, draft a shareholders agreement for all shareholders of your company and upload it with digital signature, in addition to the campaign materials.
- In case the shares of your company are not registered in Estonian Central Register of Securities (ECSD), register them.
- When campaign materials are ready, send them to the team of Fundwise for review, you can do so by clicking the relevant button.
- We will revise your project and give feedback for possible additions or corrections. In case there are no additional questions we set your campaign to be ready for publishing. Then it is up to you when exactly to launch your campaign.
- The duration of the campaign is, in general, 30-45 days.
- After your campaign is published, start with active promotion in order to increase its visibility. Be bold and creative, use all possible and impossible channels to attract attention to your company and campaign. Tell your friends, acquaintances, fans and existing customers, attract media, social media. Magnify also Fundwise’s promotional activities by reposting us and all news related to us and your campaign on social media.
- In case the campaign is successful, you need to assembly a new shareholders meeting and confirm the list of new investors, make an application to EVK and Business Register to register the increase of share capital. Only when new shareholders appear in an official shareholder list your investment is guaranteed.
- We will invoice you according to our pricelist.
- In case the campaign fails, the funds are transferred back to investors and the campaign will be archived. You can start with the new campaign if you wish.
- In case your campaign was successful, you can also launch a new campaign immediately provided, that during 12 months the crowdfunded investment total will remain less than 2,5 million euros.
Before you start creating your campaign contact us via info@fundwise.me, so we can discuss our cooperation.