168 160 € (168%)
of 100 000 - 300 000 € goal funded
160 € minimum investment
Quick Pitch is not your ordinary tipper company.
We are the first and largest e-shop for aggregates in Estonia. Through us, it is possible to quickly and easily order the desired amount of mineral resources and aggregates which are transport directly to the home yard or object, and the goods will arrive in a few hours. Previously, you had to make dozens of price inquiries, look for a reliable service provider with a match light, whose product quality would be guaranteed, prices would be transparent and compare it with what was offered on the advertisements. If once it seemed a utopian reality to order sand, gravel or other material through an e-shop directly from the Internet, paying for it with a bank link, credit card or installment payment, now it is an everyday reality.
Thanks to the developed system, we can receive orders with 24/7 accuracy and there is no need for a large number of human resources, logistics and managers who would normally have to manage the processes. The e-shop, which is just the tip of the iceberg, is related to our own developed logistics system, CRM and billing environment. All orders go to the app used by the driver in real time on a car-by-car basis. We have an easily scalable business model that only needs marketing and adding machines.
Our software does all the work, from the customer's purchase to delivery.
Today, in addition to thousands of private customers, we also have large regular business customers, we have grown the machine stock to almost 20 units of technology, we are 2x Äripäev gazelle and have increased our annual turnover from 46,000 euros (2015 sales revenue) to 1,210,000 euros (2020 sales revenue).
With YOUR help we want to:
- Develop a module and application specifically for business customers.
- Further develop the current E-shop and CRM environment so that we can take orders many times more and many times faster.
- Start monetizing and exporting our unique software solutions to foreign markets in the future.
- Increase and upgrade the fleet to increase cost and cost efficiency and environmental friendliness.
We need you, come be a part of our growth and success!

Problem & Solution
The main problems we are offering a solution to today:
Speed and comfort. You no longer have to send out price inquiries and wait for a quote and transport time.
We focus on customer needs. The vast majority of quarries and transport companies sell only large quantities of heavy trucks, which is not suitable for customers who want a certain small quantity, narrow yard, truck no-go area, soft ground, low power lines, etc.
Innovation. The companies providing transport in this sector are not digitized and there are no high-quality e-shop solutions.
Honesty. The prices shown on competitors' websites are often superficial, include hidden fees, and the services require a personal quote.
Flexible. Companies focused only on business customers do not want to deal with private customers.
Quality. Poor quality of customer service in the transport sector - the general mentality is that the carrier is king, for us the customer is always king!
Overview. The customer does not have the opportunity to get a comprehensive overview of the company's available free machines, free time and actually available materials. Our website gives the customer a comprehensive overview in real time.
Transparency. The customer does not have an overview of the origin, quality and final prices of the delivered material. We ensure that all materials are of the best available quality and come from certified suppliers.
Construction is behind time!
Many of our large partners, such as Nordecon and the Trev-2 Group, would be interested in digitized value-added solutions that save time and money. At the moment, site managers do not have digitized e-solutions for renting heavy equipment and ordering materials. E.g. quick same-day ordering through the app, real-time overview of the location of ordered machines, digital delivery notes, order-based reporting and report extraction.
Research by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications also confirms that the digitalisation of the construction sector is outdated. Our goal is also to create a business customer self-service portal and application for servicing construction companies, the task of which is to simplify the sale of products and services to business customers, offer them faster and more convenient conclusion of contracts, customer service, billing and reporting. In particular, the system to be created would be used in companies that do not yet have digital solutions for ordering materials and equipment on site.
"In several interviews conducted in the course of the MEAC Construction Sector, it was pointed out that the implementation of innovative solutions (incl. modern digital solutions) is difficult in Estonian construction companies, especially due to their small size and insufficient human and financial resources. and automation. "
No solutions !?
Silvar Vähk, a member of the Management Board, conducted a study on the use of e-solutions in the Estonian construction sector, and the results showed that the use of e-solutions in the sector is incomplete. Although company managers and key people use e-shops and other digital solutions in their private lives, as a company they have not used these solutions because there is no service that meets their wishes. The main argument is the need for longer payment terms (21-30 days), but e-shops usually require immediate payment. This is also one of the main reasons why large business customers prefer traditional means of ordering, such as e-mail or telephone calls. The needs of a business customer are also different from those of a private customer, which is why meeting their needs requires a completely separate system.
The B2B platform includes, but is not limited to:
● User management system with payment information and restrictions;
● Creating a consolidated invoicing and reporting system and linking it to users;
● Digital broadcasting pages and signing;
● Object creation and management system for users;
● Time synchronization;
● Order confirmation and termination management system with automatic notifications;
● Real-time monitoring of machines associated with the object;
● Standalone applications for iOS and Android systems;
● Statistics;
● Personal pricing;
● Equipment booking.
In order to continue the same rapid expansion and growth, we must constantly be ahead of our competitors and solve the problems that remain unresolved!
We create an application that would allow large customers to order materials and equipment for the object directly from the phone application with just a few clicks - be it at the object, in the cinema, in the store queue or at home in bed. The application would allow a separate report for each object through the background system - the possibility to see the current status of works, machine locations on the map, materials ordered by the site manager, budget, summary of amounts, etc.
By its nature, the application would be a self-service and ordering environment, where you can also set payment terms for invoices according to the customer's needs. The application and portal also require a substantial investment for the further development and marketing of existing platforms, but would enable to fulfill the goal set by Isekallur OÜ to increase sales and be a leader in digital solutions in its sector. A successful system also allows future software to be monetized or exported to foreign markets.
Bigger and newer truck park = more money in your pocket
The development of the business customer module must go hand in hand with fleet scaling in order to increase sales volumes. In parallel with the development of the module, the volume of forecasted orders will increase. We are already in a situation today where we do not have enough equipment to serve all customers. Demand exceeds supply.
It is also expedient to direct free capital to renew the existing car fleet in order to increase revenue and cost efficiency and environmental friendliness. Older machines produce more CO2, consume more fuel, break down faster, need more repairs and, most importantly, do not make money when they are in repair. Our goal is to use innovative and environmentally friendly alternatives for growth, such as LNG gas-powered heavy equipment and, in the future, electric trucks.

Product/Service Details
Ordering is a breeze and fast! - no registration
- Choose a product
The selection includes various gravel, sand sandbox, decorative granite fragments, soil for the home garden, etc.
- Choose a quantity
You no longer have to worry about the car carrying the load being too big or too heavy. The customer is shown precise information about which car will be loaded and how big.
- Choose a time
No, the times shown are not indicative and you do not have to sit at home and wait for the courier at the end of the day! These are the real times when the car is over.
- Fill in the required data fields and select the payment method.
The exact amount to be paid is displayed - no more surcharges will be added! Now just fill in your details, let us know how you want to pay and the goods will be delivered at the chosen time.

Business model
Over the years, we have continuously developed our environment based on feedback from customers. We understand that even complex things can be done easily and the client also has the most valuable resource of time. Time = money. We want our customers not to engage in activities that only create additional nerve costs - looking for transporters / intermediaries, comparing, interacting with five different people to finally get an understandable offer, not knowing if or when the truck will arrive. By using our environment, the customer can focus on what is important to him.
We have created an ordering environment and a logistical solution in a way that allows us to accept orders that were not previously reasonable for carriers to carry out (1-2 loads). In most cases, many companies lack the capacity and willingness to transport smaller quantities and individual loads. They also do not have the appropriate fleet for this purpose.
Our advantage is a wide range of machines of different sizes. Thanks to the developed system, we can receive orders with 24/7 accuracy and there is no need for a large number of human resources, logistics and managers, who would normally have to manage the processes. The e-shop, which is just the tip of the iceberg, is related to our own developed logistics system, CRM and billing environment. All orders go to the app used by the driver in real time on a car-by-car basis. There is also no need for a warehouse and a stock balance. We cooperate with the largest suppliers of quarries and materials in Estonia - Harku quarry, Limestone, Väo Paas, Kiirkandur, etc. All materials are taken directly from the quarry according to the order.
A significant part (approx. 70%) of e-store orders is made up of private customers who have an average or higher than average income of 30-55 years. age of the owner of a private house or real estate.
Increasing the involvement of business customers as users of the e-environment would increase the existence of a more convenient management and customer environment based on customer feedback. While a private customer usually orders through an e-store, paying for the purchase immediately, the business customer needs agreements and credit sales based on his or her needs. Therefore, we want to further increase the share of business customer involvement in the 2021 period through digitalization.
Our business customers' regular customers and partners include: Nordecon AS, Trev-2 grupp AS, Rudus AS, Leonhard Weiss OÜ, Krausberg Eesti OÜ, Multivara OÜ, etc.

We currently operate 100% on the Estonian market, with the aim of offering our digital solutions to foreign markets in the future. Our client is both a business and a private client, who is mostly located in Tallinn or Harju County. Primarily, our services are used for construction activities or transport after demolition work, so in a big picture, our target group is also all construction companies, residents of buildings in need of construction and apartment associations. The main target group is all apartment associations with yards, private individuals, as well as companies that need both smaller and larger quantities of materials and transport, incl. real estate development projects and public procurement. According to the preliminary data of Statistics Estonia, in 2020 Estonian construction companies built here and abroad for a total of 3 billion euros. The market potential is huge and volumes will only increase in the coming years.
If you try to compare competing companies, you can't say that you can find a similar e-store service of equal quality. Relying on and creating a specific brand is not natural for this sector, there are many competitors and it is preferable to beat a competitor over a lower price rather than with a higher quality service and brand awareness. This lower price methodology only works for large procurements, but given today's customer preferences, low prices may no longer be critical. This factor also emerged from a survey of the digitalisation of the Estonian construction sector conducted by Silvar Vähk, a member of the Management Board, where the managers of construction companies found that in most cases the most important factor when ordering materials is not price, but speed, quality and reliability.
Foreign markets have also been the goal of since the establishment of the company. By developing and testing our technological solutions in the Estonian market, we can create a platform that can be easily sold and marketed in foreign markets as well. We will develop this goal with future investments and capital raising.

Traction & Accomplishments
Our story
We got a hint from a common acquaintance in the construction industry that ordering quarry materials is a very complicated process. One of the many concerns was that the cars were too big and did not match the quantities. A load of 1 ton is brought in by a car with a load capacity of 15 tons, which cannot even maneuver the yard - therefore you have to go on a quarry with a trailer, which is an adventure in itself.
Intended - made. We bought plane tickets to Germany and brought our own small dump truck, which was based on a rebuilt van.
We explored the market and understood for ourselves - if there was a customer-centric approach everywhere, e-shops were emerging, strong brands were being built, then this sector was completely out of date. If you can buy almost everything you can on the Internet, you should also be able to buy sand, soil and gravel and other household items.
This gave rise to the idea.
We launched Estonia's first e-shop for aggregates and mineral resources (as far as we know, the first in the world). We made it easy, which used to be a difficult and complicated process for ordinary people, and we built a strong brand around it.
Today, we have increased sales and profits by over + 2500% and are one of the largest and best-known service providers on the market. We can probably say that we are the only tipper company in the market that has visited various Interior, Eesti Ehitab and others. Introducing our services and products at trade fairs, in all we do things a little differently. Therefore, it is probably no wonder that we have been awarded the title of 2x Äripäev gazelles.

How We’re Different
We create new value and inspire others. We are leaders in digitalisation. We believe that things do not have to be done traditionally, as has always been done.
Environmental friendliness
We only use newer machines that save more fuel and save the environment. We will transfer the step-by-step fleet to trucks using LNG and other technologies. We make sure that all the products we sell come from certified manufacturers and have the lowest possible eco-footprint.
We focus on customer needs
Our king is the customer. The biggest thanks are when the customer is satisfied with the whole service. Our system collects feedback and evaluations from customers, both in terms of product and service, which helps us to constantly develop and improve.
We are big enough to be market leaders, but small enough to make quick decisions at both micro and macro levels.
We create quality
We have rebranded and re-created the quality of service in the entire sector from the perspective of both the client and the job seeker. Previously, tipper companies were not sexy - we have brought chestnuts out of the fire.
Do you know any dump truck companies that have their own water?

Uses of Funds & Timeline
25% of the involved capital is directed to software product development. Capital in excess of the amount involved in product development will be channeled into the self-financing needed to increase and renew the fleet in order to increase revenue and cost efficiency and environmental sustainability.
Example: When the minimum target is reached € 100,000.
- EUR 25,000 for product development;
- 75,000 euros for the purchase of equipment.
Example 2: When the target is € 300,000.
- 75,000 euros for product development;
- EUR 225 000 for the purchase of equipment and the modernization of the existing car fleet.
Our goal is to launch a new portal in 2022.

Obligations to Investors, Profit Distribution
You ask "whats in it for me"?
- You get a share from us.
- You will have the opportunity to trade on Ignium for the share.
- We plan new capital raising in the future, which will further increase the value of the shares.
- If possible, we offer a repurchase and exit option.
- We forecast dividend payments of at least 30% of the profit in 2023, with payments in 2024.
- Quarterly reports and / or key performance indicators (KPIs) are provided on the Fundwise platform:
1) income statement;
2) the number of machines;
3) the number of e-store orders;
4) operating expenses;
5) the number of employees. - You can have a say in our development - we listen to your ideas.
- If you want and if possible, you can give us a hand in our development.
Our main focus is growth and expansion, therefore we will reinvest the profits of the following years, which means higher productivity and income in the future.
In addition to participations and dividends, the bonus includes:
START IT UP - From 160 eur
- Isekallur T-shirt.
- One-time discount from the e-store -20%
- Names of all investors on the wall of our own logistics center (if this dream comes true in the future).
BRONZE - From 960 eur
- Self-named IseKallur's T-shirt.
- Face mask with Isekallur's logo.
- Box of Isekallur's water (with or without gas).
- One-time discount from the e-store -25%.
- Five-year discount from the e-store -10%.
SILVER - From 2400 eur
- Self-named IseKallur's T-shirt.
- Face mask with Isekallur's logo.
- Box of Isekallur's water (with or without gas).
- One-time discount from the e-store -30%.
- Five-year discount from the e-store -15%.
GOLD - From 10,080 eur
- Self-named IseKalluri T-shirt.
- Face mask with tipper logo.
- 2 boxes of Dump Truck water (with or without gas).
- One-time discount from the e-store -40%.
- Five-year discount from the e-store -20%.
- If you wish, we will arrange a truck driver experience package so that you can feel like a real tipper driver.
- If you wish, choose your favorite car from the car fleet and we will design and stick your tipper in your own name.

Risks and Mitigation
Like any business, we are exposed to the dangers of our economic environment. In our short time, we have seen both the sharp rise and fall of taxes by the government and the crisis. Thanks to our innovation and diversification of services between different customers, we have continued to grow rapidly and profitably. The Covid-19 crisis has shown the importance of having high-quality e-commerce channels. Our e-shop and sales have only set records.
You can get a more detailed overview of goals, risks and analysis in our business plan!
Global and local crises can quickly affect consumption and construction volumes. At the same time, we are directly and indirectly involved in large-scale infrastructure works. It is in crises that the government is directing more money to both road construction and major projects. For example the construction of Rail Baltica, which is about to start, which requires huge volumes of equipment, both from Estonia and neighboring countries.
Our sector and work are linked to seasonal fluctuations, which are affected by climatic conditions. While private sector orders will shrink in the winter months, B2B workloads will remain high. When it snows thick and there is scorching frost outside, we clean the snow. The more equipment of different sizes, the more we can offer our services in the winter months as well. We have been constantly involved in public works on the city streets, as well as in the performance of works by individual customers.
IseKallur building the tracks of Nõmme Ski Center in 2021