Pühaste Pruulikoda
555 600 € (370%)
of 150 000 - 600 000 € goal funded
200 € minimum investment
Quick Pitch
Pühaste Pruulikoda OÜ (registered trademark Pühaste) is an independent enterprise started in 2014 based on Estonian capital. Its main activity is beer production.
In 2016 we opened a plant in Tartu, and now the beer brewed there under Pühaste trademark is sold in 23 countries. Our biggest markets beside Estonia are Netherlands, Belgium, UK, France, Spain, Finland and Russia.
Our maximum brewing capacity is 350,000 L/annually. In August 2019, Estonian biggest business newspaper Äripäev ranked Pühaste the best drink producer in the country (see Äripäev 21.08.19).
With the help of crowdfunding we want to increase our export market by purchasing an automatic canning line, to make our production more efficient and maximize our volume by obtaining a beer separator, and conquer a new market segment by getting the necessary equipment for making alcohol-free beers.

Problem & Solution
The world of craft beers marches steadily on towards canning. Canned beer has smaller ecological footprint because the greater part of aluminum gets recycled, and the can guarantees a better oxygen barrier and protection from UV. The two latter factors are important in order to guarantee the quality and longer shelf life of beer. In order to increase our export market segment, we want to purchase an automatic canning line. Our resellers demand increasingly more canned products and therefore a canning line is a sure selling argument on growing number of markets, as well as an effective tool in entering new markets. In addition, canned beers decrease transport costs. Compared to bottled beer, the same pallet will hold more cans and weigh less. Aluminum recycling is mayor keyword.
One of the main pillars of beer business is the effectiveness of production. In order to make our production more effective, we want to buy a beer separator, which will enable us to shorten the process from brewing to packaging and increase the production volume while maintaining the same brewing capacity.
Consumption of low alcohol and alcohol-free beers is on the rise globally. Based on the white paper published in Global Market Insight (GMI ID: GMI2776, Vitika Verma, Amit Rawat, July 2018: https://www.gminsights.com/industry-analysis/non-alcoholic-wine-and-beer...) the alcohol-free beers segment will grow 7% yearly in the period of 2019-2025.

Product/Service Details
Brewing of Pühaste started in 2011, when our current head brewer Eero Mander started to tinker with beers in his summer cottage in Pühaste, Valgamaa County, Estonia.
In 2014 we started official production, first as contract brewers using other breweries’ equipment. In 2016 we opened our own brewery in Tartu, Estonia. Since the opening of the plant, our production volume has gone up 3.5 times. The former yearly production of 100,000 L has grown into 350,000 L a year.
Since 2014, we have marketed more than 100 different products under the trade mark of Pühaste.
We sell our products in 23 countries. On average, we export 60% of our beers.
We have brewed in cooperation with revolutionary breweries from different countries, such as Lervig (Norway), AF Brew and Zagovor (Russia), De Molen (Netherlands), Amager (Denmark), Pipeworks (US), Vibrant Forest (UK), White Frontier (Switzerland), Cool Head (Finland), Tempel (Sweden), Edge (Spain), Põhjala (Estonia), etc.
Highly valued barrel-aged Silver Series beers have an important place in out portfolio, rich in taste to extreme levels due to long aging in oak barrels used for strong spirits such as rum, bourbon, whiskey, cognac, or port.

Business model
The battle for the alcohol-free beer market is ongoing and after purchasing the necessary equipment, because of our current reselling network and due to the outstanding margins of this specific market, we will have a good starting point in new markets, including the Arabian Peninsula.

We consider the development of export networks to be of great importance and keep expanding it for greater profits. By 2021 we plan to export 80% of our gross output. We will focus on new markets, such as Japan, Korea, China and the US.
We forecast a growth of 30% in foreign markets due to a canning line.

Traction & Accomplishments
- Äripäev, best drinks producer in Estonia 2018 (published Aug 21, 2019).
- Since the launch of the brewery 3 years ago, production volume has increased 3.5-fold. We started with 100,000 L, now it’s 350,000 L.
- A modern functional brewery together with pilot brewery and a functioning barrel-aging program.
- Annual brewery birthday celebration with the Pühaste Õllepidu festival. This is one of the biggest craft beer events in the region.
- B2B reselling network in 23 countries, self-made from zero.
- Pühaste beers are present in the Nordic alcohol monopolies ALKO (Finland) and Systembolaget (Sweden).
- Pühaste beers are present in most Estonian chain stores (Selver, COOP, Rimi, Prisma, Kaubamaja, Stockmann).
- Untappd, best Estonian brewery 2017 (this year, #2).
- Ratebeer, best new Estonian brewery 2016.
- Tallink & Silja Line, winner of the ship beer competition 2017-2018 (biggest regional tender).
- Tallink & Silja Line, winner of the ship beer competition 2019-2020 (biggest regional tender).

How We’re Different
Pühaste õllede peamised trumbid on viimase piirini lihvitud erakordsed maitsed ja kompromissitu kvaliteet. Pakume tootjale just seda õlut, mida me ise hea meelega tarbiks ning naudiks. Kasutame oma õlledes lisaks heale linnasebaasile tipptaseme aroomhumalaid, laborikvaliteediga pärmi (White Labs) ning kõrgeima klassi koostisosi. Olgu selleks siis Peruu kakaonibsid või premium klassi Madagaskari vanillikaunad. Üks on kindel – kui maitsed on paigas, siis koostisosi väikese kasumi nimel välja ei vahetata. Kvaliteet ja maitsed peavad jääma!
Kuigi käsitööõlletootjaid on maailmas äärmiselt palju, siis tänaseks oleme loonud Euroopas IPAde ja tugevate tumede õlle najal võimsa fännibaasi, kes naljalt marki ei vaheta. Uute tootepartiide turuletulekut võetakse tervituste ja hõigetega vastu ning nõutakse kohalikelt edasimüüjatelt kindlaid marke. Meie müügi- ja turundusinimesed tegelevad igapäevaselt kliendisuhete hoidmisega. Võib kindel olla, et vanad kliendid jäävadmüügivõrk ja müügivõrk vaid laieneb.
Separaator-tsentrifuug võimaldab korrigeerida toote hinda, et konkurentidele rohkem kandadele astuda ning turuosa endale võita.
Ekspordime täna 60% tootest ning kasvatame eksport-turuosa 2021. aastaks 80% peale. Samalaadseid numbreid suudavad Euroopas ette näidata vähesed väikepruulikojad.
Pühaste õlleetikettide kujunduse taga seisab lisaks pruulikoja loovjõule illustraator Marge Nelk, kelle loodud müstilised etiketid on pälvivad konkurentide pakendite kõrval pilku. Igale tootele luuakse oma ainulaadne etikett.

Uses of Funds & Timeline
The funds that the investors entrust us with will be used to purchase a canning line, beer separator and equipment for producing alcohol-free drinks. We will start the procurement of equipment as soon as the funding goals are met.
In case of campaign success, the following equipment will be purchased (sorted by lessening priorities):
1. Canning line – € 152,100
2. Beer separator – € 99,890
3. Equipment for alcohol free drinks – € 248,500

Obligations to Investors, Profit Distribution
Investing happens in €200 increments, which guarantees a proportional share in the nominal value of Pühaste Pruulikoda OÜ.
All investors contributing 200+ € will be automatically included in the PÜHASTE PÜHAKUD (Pühaste Saints) Club.
Starting from 2022, all Pühaste Pühakud will get periodic dividends, at least 50% of the net profit of the company in spe. Dividends rate will be decided at yearly shareholders’ meeting (all Pühaste Pühakud will be shareholders).
The Saints will get a membership card with their name, valid for the period they are shareholders in the Pühaste brewery. The membership card will give you various abatements in the Pühaste brewery, in the Pühaste Kelder bar and in the Koma Pühaste Õllerestoran restaurant + in future Pühaste enterprises.
Card holders will be guaranteed an opportunity to buy at least one bottle of each new Pühaste Silver Series barrel-aged products or other limited rare beers at factory prices. You will be notified via email list.
Pühaste Pühakud will get an invitation to annual shareholders’ meeting and the party that follows.
200+ € – welcome to the Pühaste Pühakud club, you now own a part of Pühaste!
- As long as you remain a member of the Pühaste Pühakud club, you will receive 5% off for products in the Pühaste plant and bars, and 25% off for Pühaste merchandise (caps, scarves, hoodies, glasses, etc).
- You will receive a 4-pack of the newest Pühaste brews.
- You will have a Pühaste T-shirt.
1000+ €
- As long as you remain a member of the Pühaste Pühakud club, you will receive 5% off for products in the Pühaste plant and bars, and 30% off for Pühaste merchandise (caps, scarves, hoodies, glasses, etc).
- You will receive 12 bottles of the newest Pühaste brews and one Silver Series beer.
- You will have a Pühaste T-shirt.
5,000+ €
- As long as you remain a member of the Pühaste Pühakud club, you will receive 7% off for products in the Pühaste plant and bars, and 30% off for Pühaste merchandise (caps, scarves, hoodies, glasses, etc).
- You will receive 48 bottles of the newest Pühaste brews and 6 Silver Series beers.
- You will have 2 Pühaste T-shirts.
- As a devout fan, you will have a special Pühaste souvenir bag.
- We invite you to our plant for an evening with up to 6 friends. We will introduce and tour our plant and taste the beers. Let’s have a jolly evening together!
10,000+ €
- As long as you remain a member of the Pühaste Pühakud club, you will receive 10% off for products in the Pühaste plant and bars, and 40% off for Pühaste merchandise (caps, scarves, hoodies, glasses, etc).
- You will receive 72 bottles of the newest Pühaste brews and 12 Silver Series beers.
- You will have 3 Pühaste T-shirts.
- And perhaps one high quality Pühaste hoodie?
- As a devout fan, you will have a special Pühaste souvenir bag.
- We invite you to our plant for an evening with up to 18 friends. We will introduce and tour our plant and taste the beers. Let’s have a jolly evening together!
30,000+ €
- As long as you remain a member of the Pühaste Pühakud club, you will receive 20% off for products in the Pühaste plant and bars, and 50% off for Pühaste merchandise (caps, scarves, hoodies, glasses, etc).
- You will have 120 bottles of the newest Pühaste brews and 24 Silver Series beers
- You will have 5 Pühaste T-shirts.
- And perhaps one high quality Pühaste hoodie?
- As a devout fan, you will have a special Pühaste souvenir bag.
- We invite you to our plant for an evening with up to 18 friends. We will introduce and tour our plant and taste the beers. Let’s have a jolly evening together!
- We will take all necessary equipment with our team and appear at your party wherever in Estonia. We will hold a beer training event wherever, even in your back yard, and serve our tap beers throughout the party (max 240 L).

Risks and Mitigation
Suurimaks riskiks turul on tarbijaeelistuste muutumine. Selle mitigeerime läbi väga laia tootespektri, mida Pühaste pakub. Me ei ole keskendunud üksikule enimmüüdud tootele, teisisõnu meil ei ole kindlat müügihitti, vaid käive jaotub erinevate õllestiilide vahel ühtlaselt.
Riskina võib kvalitfitseerida alkoholivabade toodete turuletulekuks kuluva ajaperioodi. Nimelt prototüüpimine, katsepruulid ning laborianalüüsid võivad protsessi algperioodil võtta soovitust kauem aega. Pühaste soetas autonoomse eraldiseisva katsepruulikoja, millega on võimalik prototüüpida mitmeid retsepte samaaegselt ning kiirendada tootearendust kordades.
Valitsuse ebastabiilne alkoholipoliitika ning mängud alkoholiaktsiiside ümber on potentsiaalne takistus kõikidele väikepruulijatele. Võimaliku riski maandamiseks soetame tsentrifuug-separaatori, mis võimaldab tagab efektiivsema tootmise ning võimaldab toote 20% lühema tootmisajaga turule lasta ning keskendume rohkem välisturgudele.